For the cases of contiguous block losses, we provide a progressive error concealment method, so that even when the images are very highly corrupted, we still can get reasonable restoration results. 针对连续图像块丢失的的情况,给出了逐级迭代差错补偿算法,使在图像块丢失比例非常高的情况下,仍然能得到合理的恢复结果。
Research on the Algorithm to Generate Progressive Mesh with Color Based on Quadric Error Metric 基于二次误差测度的递进网格色彩模型生成算法
This paper proposes a progressive approach algorithm based on image cost function to compensate the random phase error in SAR/ ISAR imagery. 本文提出逐级逼近算法,基于图像评价函数,对SAR/ISAR中的随机干扰相位进行补偿。
Simulation results in binary symmetric channel show that this transmission scheme for progressive image is easy to perform and able to achieve high peak signal-to-noise ratio even in high bit error rate channel. 在二进制对称信道上的仿真结果表明,该渐进图像传输方法实现简单,在高误码率信道条件下恢复图像仍能得到很高的峰值信噪比。
The author has studied current several methods of mesh simplification and put forward a reversible progressive mesh based on LOD model through using the mesh simplification method which joined edge collapse and quadric error metrics. 本文研究了目前各种网格模型简化的方法,利用了基于边折叠和二次误差度量相结合的网格简化方法,提出了一种基于LOD可逆的累积网格。
MPEG 4 VTC can encode arbitrarily shaped still object as well as producting progressive scalable bitstream which is robust to error. MPEG-4VTC编码可以对任意形状的静止物体进行编码,而且可以产生渐进的、可扩展的、对误差鲁棒的比特流。
Progressive Innovation for Machining Error Control Schemes 加工过程误差控制策略的不断创新
Some experiments under the relevant experimental standard are conducted with collecting 196 samples, each of which contains 20 properties for further investigation. ( 2) The progressive abnormal sample deletion method based on regression forecasting error is presented. 总共采集了196个样品的20个属性的有效实验数据。(2)提出了基于回归预测误差的异常样本逐次剔除方法。
Currently, the progressive collapse of the structures has become a serious threat to public safety. There are more and more structure progressive collapse caused by unexpected incidents as terrorist attack, fire, hurricane, constructional deficiency, human error and gas explosion. 目前,结构的连续倒塌已成为严重威胁公共安全的重要问题,由于恐怖袭击、火灾、飓风、施工缺陷、人为错误、煤气爆炸等原因所导致的连续倒塌事故越来越多。
A novel visibility algorithm based on progressive horizon is proposed. With the contour of models, the progressive horizon can be constructed and occlusion culling is accelerated. The performance analysis and error estimate of generated terrain are studied. 提出一种基于累进地平线的可见性判断方法,利用模型的轮廓线构造累进地平线,加快地形的遮挡剔除,并对九宫格算法进行性能分析和误差评估。